Thursday, June 30, 2016

Joyful! Joyful!

Hello Friends and Family!

This week has been legit! Seriously though. We have found the most amazing investigator ever! His name is Devonta and we found him through going by a former investigator. He said he didn't have time right now because he was leaving but told us to come back, so we did a couple of days later with two members who are working on their papers. We taught him the restoration. It was so cool. The whole time he was bearing his testimony and you could feel the spirit so strong. When he read the First Vision he said he didn't even know where he should put his hands. He was so excited. When I invited him to be baptized an even bigger smile on his face appeared as he accepted. I didn't think it was possible. He's getting baptized on July 30th. Through that visit we found out that all his roommates are less active members and that he went to a fast and testimony meeting. He bore his testimony and told us how many people liked it. He came to church Sunday and met everyone. I already looks like he's a member and fits in already. He even makes amazing comments in class. We had to get into groups. I was in a group with him and got to hear his story of how we found him. On that morning, at 4, when we knocked on his door he was praying to God to give him a sign of where he needed to go, or comfort he needed in his life. Later that day we knocked on his door. He says that he knows that we were the answers to his prayers. Every doubt or question he had about the church was answered that Sunday. It felt like a relief especially since, Sister Allen, Elder Austin, Elder Mather, and I spoke in sacrament meeting. We all talked about God's love and missionary work. In my talk I shared the story about when I was little and you couldn't find me. You finally found me sleeping, with my binkey, on a pile of blankets in the blanket closet. I then shared the parable of the sheep in Luke 15:4-6. It was so much fun, and I feel like I was only up there for 30 seconds, but apparently it was all long enough. We all only planned about 10 minutes each, but you always seem to talk faster when you finally get up there.

Got a ukulele today! I'm super excited. Sister Allen's going to teach me how to play and we're going to rock at it!

The church is true and I'm grateful for seeing to progress in grow.

Ofa Atu! 

Sister Stone

I just love the sunsets! 

This is Sister Child who we're going to start living with next week!

It's always nice to see a familiar face!

New profile pic right here!

Note from Marilyn: The "familiar face" on the BYU-I Online Learning poster is Kristy Hammond, a great sister that lives in our ward. Her husband, Chris Hammond, works at BYU-Idaho for the online learning department.

Sister Eliza Stone
California Long Beach Mission
6500 E. Atherton St.
Long Beach, CA  90815

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

I'm Staying!

Hey Family and Friends!

Sister Garcia and I are Staying In HB! We're both Super excited! We love this ward! Everyone seems super excited that we're staying.

We did more sand bagging (except my district) this week, but we haven't had any rain since that one email that I sent you with pics of rain. Everything's going great! We did service at someone house that was so gross. Apparently the parents who lived there died two and a half years ago and the soon just hasn't had the courage to go in there. Let me just tell you, and was bad. You could tell that they were smokers. The wall were black. The carpet used to be bright green, but it was all black and yellow, except under a TV from the 50's (Those one's without a remote). They had one of those old vacuums that I thought was going to explode the whole time we were vacuuming.

This is the back yard. That black/brown. stuff is water in their pond. We did not help with that.​​

Emilia's baptism was amazing! She was so happy. I loved her response when she got out of the font: "That was way too fast!" She just seemed so giddy and happy. She told us that she felt happier as well, which made me smile. For the first time yesterday she was early to church. She wanted to sit in the front center of the chapel, and was smiling ear to ear. Her confirmation was in Spanish, but you could barely breath with how strong the spirit was in there. We were also excited to see, after church, that she had signed up to feed the Elders and I. All four of us were jumping up and down. You could tell that Elder Woffinden was a little bit more emotional, especially since he's going home tomorrow. It was so amazing, especially seeing her testimony grow. When the Bishop was talking, he told us about an experience in one of her lessons. It was on Chastity, Word of Wisdom, and Tithing. Three of the hardest things for someone to understand, unless they are all the way prepared. She excepted it all, and said how they were all a no brainier for her.

Me, Sister Garcia, Bishop Davis, Emilia, Rodrigo, Elder Woffinden, and Elder Motyer
I guess after her baptism, she posted all over Facebook about how she got baptized, and is now, "part of the true and living church". In her words.

After Kelsey's lesson we haven't gotten a hold of her, or the family who are members. They've all dropped off of the place of the planet.

Sadie and Maddie are getting baptized this Saturday! I'm so excited for them!

I'm so excited for this next transfer. I have a couple of goals, especially since I'm out of training, that I can't wait to achieve. One goal that Sister Garcia are planing on doing is trying to get to know each and every one of the members in our ward. I'm shocked we don't already, but it's going to be great. 

I love this goal, and it's doing so many marvelous things. I have become so strengthened by this gospel. Especially this past week. I love seeing how it is helping so many peoples lives, and stregthening them and bringing them together. I know that this is the true church, and that it truly does bless peoples lives.

Ofa Atu!

Sister Stone

Sister Eliza Stone
California Long Beach Mission
6500 E. Atherton St.
Long Beach, CA  90815
My district​: Elder Ugbamen, Gutierez, Motyer, Brown, Woffinden, Whetten, Sister Garcia, and I. (As you can see, Sister Garcia feels very uncomfortable around Elders)
This is Omera!

Time's Flying and I'm Having Fun (Email from 01-18-16)

Hey Family and Friends.

My mom told me that almost everyone was confused about the title of my last email so let me clear that up. Remember when I told you how I wrecked my bike? Well that was last transfer. This transfer I tripped over a parking bumper. Yah. I got a pretty nice bruised knee, but it didn't hurt. I couldn't help but start laughing. I thought Sister Garcia was the only one who saw me, then I heard the car horn. There in front of me, in their car, is my district leader and his comp. Now you know the story.

This week has been good! We have a new investigator. Her name is Kelsey. She's dating one of the members in our ward. She just started asking him questions. She seems really sweet! The whole family, that we taught with, are awesome! She's very accepting, especially growing up with a very strong Christian background.

Transfer calls are coming in the Saturday

Mary Lou from Sea Cliff just knitted me a red scarf (which you can kind of see in one of the pictures).

Emilia's baptism is this Saturday and I'm so excited for her. She is really strong in everything, and is super excited.

Did sand bagging this last week and probably this week as well.

Taught Maddi and Sadie and found out that they're dad is going to baptize them. I'm so happy for them. Sometimes it can be hard to teach because them and their mom and really good at talking. No joke. They are so ready for this. Their oldest daughter, Carly, decided that she wants to start coming back to church as well. It's amazing that this is all happening, and that they're wanting to come back.

Sorry their not a lot, but I don't have much more time. I love you all! I know that this is what I'm supposed to be doing, and where I'm supposed to be. I see that every day.

Ofa Atu!

Sister Stone

Sister Eliza Stone
California Long Beach Mission
6500 E. Atherton St.
Long Beach, CA  90815


Saturday, January 16, 2016


This week has been great. We got a new investigator that could be pretty solid. She was a referral from our bishop She loves Mormons and her name is Christine. Her husband is a police officer, and she has two little boys who love me. Just thought I'd put that in there.
El Nino is awesome. I think if it rains more out little town house/ apartment is going to flood. Our zone has been helping the fire departments fill up bags with sand. It's been a lot of fun, but man I'm sore. I love the work though. It's been fun getting to work and help people.
Wasn't able to talk to Kim yet this week but I'll be seeing her tomorrow and Friday. This Sunday she went to a different ward to go to her nieces boyfriends farewell. I think this is a golden time for her, especially with what's all going on with her family.
Emilia's baptism is a week from this Saturday. I am so excited for her. Rodrigo met with the bishop and we found out that he couldn't baptize her because of some things. He was really worried that if he told her, she would be angry and wouldn't want to be baptized anymore. It was the total opposite instead. She told him that he need to buck up, fix his problems because she wants the Melchizedek priesthood in her home. I thought that was the coolest thing ever.
Mary Lou was in the hospital for the past couple of weeks. She's one of the sweet ladies from Sea Cliff who's husband was a game show host. We saw her walking down the hallway the other day, so excited to see her. She told me that she couldn't leave yet because she still had to knit me a red scarf. I was so touched and forgot the I even asked her to make me one. The other ladies all seem to be going down hill. Even Omera. It's breaking my heart that I can't do anything to help them except pray, and then I remember something that Lawrence said once about how prayer can be the strongest thing to give someone. It's given me comfort even though it can sometime be hard to see them hurt so much.
I know that this church is true with all my heart. I'm so grateful for the all the people I've met her in HB. I know that They are part of the reason why I needed to go on a mission. I've been seeing so many things that always answer why the Lord sent me here at this time. I'm so glad he did. It's changing me for the better. One "talk" I read this week (more of a story) has been the Ricarddi Letter. If you haven't read it you need to. It's changed my perspective even more since I've been out here. Sister Garcia and my new motto is "The field is white already to harvest. Not brown or yellow ready to water." I'm also thankful of those who have rejected me because it is showing me how much the Lord does love me and wants me to grow. It probably doesn't make sense right now so I invited you to read the story and then it will.
Of Atu!
Sister Stone

Sister Eliza Stone
California Long Beach Mission
6500 E. Atherton St.
Long Beach, CA  90815
This is of one of the many (and I mean many) of dogs she has. This is her youngest dog of about 5 or 6 months. It's one of those Russian dogs that hunts bears and eats meat. Still a puppy. A big puppy.
*Note from Eliza's mom: On a later reply to this email, Eliza said the woman that owns the dogs is a convert of about a year that is in their ward.

Two Months? (Jan. 4th email)

Family and Friends!
I can't believe I've already been out in California for two months already. That just seems crazy to me. I'm loving it out here so much, and after this week, Sister Garcia and I have really found out and decided what amazing were doing in the Cordata Park Ward. There have been amazing and inspirational experiences that I will now talk about.
The first one was with Emilia. As I said in the last email we had to see if we need to give her to the Spanish Elders to see her progress and be ready for the 23rd of this month. We did it in the chapel (Since their home got flooded after Christmas). There was seven people in there. Emilia, Rodrigo (her husband) the Spanish Elders, Sister Mortenson (an amazing lady in our ward who has gone through so much this last year, yet she still seems to find how the Lord blesses her), Sister Garcia, and I. We taught her the Power of Four which are four of the commandments: Pray Often, Study the Scriptures, Keep the Sabbath Day Holy, and Be Obedient. It was amazing. In the end we did give her to the Spanish Elders, but there seemed to be a difference in Rodrigo. He's a less active who got baptized two years ago. He went through a messy divorce and didn't come back after that. He always new the importance of the spirit and our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, but now he's seeing how important it is for Emilia, and how she needs to know more. This Sunday that sat up front instead of in the back, and it was great. The Elders translated for her and she seemed way more happy. They were probably the last people to leave the chapel because everyone was going up to them and talking to them. I'm so grateful I was able to meet them. On New Years Rodrigo texted us saying how grateful he was for us to bring the gospel back into his life. I felt so humbled when I said that. They are just great. I can't put it into words.
Sadie also came to church! She the 9-year-old. Her dad was there and also her mom, which shocked us because of her bad back issues. They also brought their 13-year-old daughter Maddi to church that they want us to start teaching. This is a less active family that's living with one grandma and the two youngest. The two oldest (Maddi being one of them) are living with the other set of grandparent's more down town. The grandma their living with is a member, but doesn't want to get involved in reactivating them. The other grandparents go to a different church, and apparently baptized Maddie in their church behind the parent's. Maddy realized that it was a bad decision and wants to start taking the lessons. We really excited for them. Sadie's planing on Getting baptized on January 30th.
We also got two new investigators this week who also came to church! It all started last transfer when we were on exchanges. We met the ladies husband who said that they were paying for part of their nieces mission. A week or so later we got a call from a companionship of Elders from the Anaheim Mission. Apparently she call her Sister-in-law (who's daughters is on a mission) who called the Elders in the Anaheim mission who called us to give their family a spiritual message for Christmas. We've seen her a couple of times before, but we finally taught her this last week. We gave he a Book of Mormon and invited her to read the Introduction. She was so excited about it. She's Catholic and her families from Hawaii. There's been so many things that have happened in her family. They just found out that her mom has a tumor in her bladder, and her nephew who's less active, had to go to the hospital because of an overdose. He's been having really bad migraines. She even said that he'll being doing a lot better because he got a priesthood blessing.
This week has been really great and I'm so thankful for the experiences I've been able to have.
Ofa Atu!

Sister Stone

Sister Eliza Stone
California Long Beach Mission
6500 E. Atherton St.
Long Beach, CA  90815

Sister Garcia's parent's sent us cheesecake. It was good! 

This is our less actives dog. His name is Ivan and he is the funniest dog you'll ever meet. He is always barking, wanting the center of attention, shaking his little stub of a tale. Cutest dog ever!

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Palm trees are ugly, but the flowers are beautiful!

Hello Everyone!

I'm in sunny California, and it's not really what I was expecting. I love it though. I'm serving in Huntington Beach in the Cordatta Park ward. It's about ten minutes from the ocean. I can now say that I've seen the ocean. We drove past it from one of our three drives to and from Long Beach for training.  It's super pretty, and, even though I'm not too fond of how palm trees look in the least, they are gorgeous when they are in the shade of a sunset and the ocean's in the background. It's even better when the waves are hitting the sand.
It's pretty cold out here. It's gotten down to the 50's this week. I might want you to send me a sweatshirt, unless I find a cool one down here. The ward's really nice. We get fed every day. I think I have probably eaten out every day except Sunday. It seems to be easier for everyone, or gift cards. It seems like the most common food for them to make is taco's. They're all pretty good. It's also hard to say no if they give you more food or desert. I feel like the coach on McFarland USA. I think I've gained some weight already which makes me sad. Especially since we've been running and doing weights every morning. I've been impressed with myself when it comes to running. Haven't walked yet and have been trying to run a little faster ever day.
My mission training companion is super awesome. Her name is Sister Garcia and she's from Cincinnati, Ohio, but her family's now living in Austin, Texas. Apparently they moved there after she left. She went to BYU-I for two years, but is still 19. Been out for 6 months.
Haven't really had a lot of time to go proselyting because of meetings, so we've only been able to go after dinner till 9. According to S. Garcia, Huntington Beach is one of the hardest area's to serve in, and it is. There's a lot of Baptists and Born Again Christians. They're super nice and will let you talk a little doctrine to them, but once you ask if you can meet with them again sometime they usually just say that they have all that they need and when they need to learn at their church. Then they tell us to go find others who don't have Jesus Christ at all in their lives. I don't even want to get started with the Buddhists.
There's a less active I got to meet and teach this week. He's super cool. His name is Lucky and is one of the sweetest guys you'll ever meet. There's about 13 family members living in that home. He wants to come back to church, but it's hard because he works so late. He's a limo driver/body guard. He works super late. He's started talking to the bishop. It makes him nervous to even walk into a building, especially when he's not dressed in Sunday dress, but I'm so happy that he's taking such a big step to be able to come back.
We found a new investigator. Her names Devina and she actually lives right next door to Lucky. She's Baptist and super nice. We talked to her a little bit on the Restoration with prophets, Jesus Christ and eternal families. She was a little confused when we were talking about the authority Jesus Christ brought to the Earth. We told her that if it was alright to have another appointment to talk more about that authority. If we hit the spirit just right she could be my first official PI (progressive investigator). She's awesome. A 3rd grade teacher, loves animals, and has so many pictures of family around her house. I mentioned to her that her mom looked like Doris Day and Grace Kelley. She was taken aback when I said that. Probably wondering how I even knew who those people were. She then told us a story about how President Kennedy drove past her and just kept staring. It was fun teaching and talking to her. I am praying that this weeks lesson goes well. I want it to so bad, and I'm praying to find more this week.
For music, we can listen to almost any Christian music. They rule is, "Would you listen to this if Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father were in the car/apartment with you?" I forgot my hard drive. It's on my buzz lightyear lanyard (However you spell that word). Do you think you could put some music on it? We can hook it up in most of the cars. Speaking of which I can officially drive even though I can't actually drive yet because I'm still the greenie. S. Murray get's to be the DD (designated driver) in her companionship because her two comps are from Tonga and the Philippines.
By the way, I ran into Elder Hathaway (Bryce) and you'll never guess what his comps name is. Elder Stone. Apparently there was another Elder Stone who just went home. I kept trying to see if we're related at all. Too bad he's not good with his family history. He's from Florida. Super cool. They're a great companionship. It was funny. We were sitting next to each other for one of the trainings. He elbowed me and then open his notebook where there was a picture of the Tetons. I couldn't help but smile and then grab it out of his note book. That reminded me that you need to send me a picture of the house. You know exactly which picture I am talking about.

Hope you all are having a wonderful life! Miss you all!


Sister Stone

Finally found the moon.

Hello Everyone!

Things are going great here in HB. If you're wondering about the title it's because not until last night were S. Garcia and I able to find the moon. It was pretty exciting! I love looking at the night sky as we proselyte. It reminds me of the short film Luke 2 (or any short film of Jesus Christ's birth) how the sky is lit up because of all the lights. You can also see the planes circling around the sky, waiting for their turn to land.
Anyway... Devina's lesson was nothing like we planes. Right as we walked in she gave us the Restoration pamphlet back right as we walked into the door. We brought the bishop's daughter with us. One thing that she couldn't get passed was Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. We told her that it was another testament of Jesus Christ and she said that it had to be from God, not Jesus Christ. She didn't like that we also talked about Joseph Smith. It had to be all about Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father. I think the thing that scared me the most was how she reacted to my quad. She couldn't believe that we'd put the Book of Mormon and the Bible into "one book". She thought we were doing something sacrilegious. We tried to explain but she wouldn't hear it.
Lucky's doing great. He's always trying to find people for us. He's been going to the bishop and also to church, and is starting to read the Book of Mormon. Because of him, his brother is starting to come back as well. I finally met his dad, and that guy is amazing! He is always teaching someone, and giving out Book of Mormons. It's amazing how well everyone is in our ward. There's this elderly lady in our ward that we're always giving BOM's to her. She's 85, in a wheel chair, and has a lot of problems. She's given one to every one of her doctors, and is now trying to figure out who else to give them to. I got to meet her last night, and it was so much fun. She was bearing her testimony about how much our Heavenly Father has helped her, and then she talked about how she met her husband. I LOVED it. Wish I could go there every night.
You're never going to believe what I just found on our Family History. I was looking at Andrew Hill Burt, and I found out why they have that plaque there. That actually is the exact spot where he was shot. You should really look it up. There is so much about him, and it's so amazing. I didn't know that President John Taylor spoke at his funeral. 
We haven't really found anyone yet. Usually when we do find we have to send them to the Spanish Elders or the YSA Elders. It can be frustrating at times, but we still keep pushing along. The quote's "Have courage and be kind" and "Keep moving forward" keep playing in my head. They have started to become my new motto out on the mission.
It is so easy to find classic cars down here. The hardest thing is taking pictures of them because we're either in the car or proselyting and we can't take pictures  while doing that. I did find this though: 
Cool right! One of my favorite was this town car, about 40's, with a "Vote for Truman" sign in the back window. It seems in almost driveway there's a sports car. It seems like you're not cool unless you have one. Mostly you seem to find Mustangs. S. Garcia said that she didn't realize how many "strange" (vintage) cars there were down here till I cam along.

I'm still loving life and learning more each day. I'm so thankful to be here on a mission. I feel like I'm becoming more like Nephi everyday. I love the gospel and I know that it's strengthening me. I'm learning a lot from my comp. She is helping me and teaching me. I'm able to talk more to people on the streets and in lessons. I'm loving it more and more each day, and couldn't ask for it any other way. I've been learning that since I've been out here. I think music has helped me the most. Especially the hymn "More Holiness Give Me." How there needs to be more that I need to do to be able to be better

​Hope you all are having an amazing time! 
Sister Stone

Sister Eliza Stone
California Long Beach Mission
6500 E. Atherton St.
Long Beach, CA  90815